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eBay username

Red=Original members

Name: Rich Degillio
eBay ID: rich-in-pa
Email: rpd491@adelphia.net
APS: 165390
Interests: British Commonwealth,U.S.

Name: Richard G. Stogsdill
eBay ID: rgstog@eastky.net
Email: rgstog@eastky.net
APS: 191168
Interests: United States Prior to 1940

Name: Robert K. Arundale III
eBay ID: rkaiii
Email: RobertKArundaleiii@chicago.avenew.com APS: 152894
Interests: U.S. Revenues; Canadian Revenues, precancels and perfins; Ethiopia; Liberia; Turkey; THE WORLD!
Name: Robert A. Busby
eBay ID: rlbusby
Email: busby@cepcpa.com
APS: 191141
Interests: US regular issues and commemoratives prior to 1950, Louisiana postal history.
Name: Robert J. Smith
eBay ID: rjsmith@snet.net
Email: rjsmith@snet.net
Early Foreign and early U.S.
Name: Robert Shelton
eBay ID: rhs
Interests: US Mint Singles and Plate Blocks, UN Mint Singles, Vatican City Mint Singles. First Day Covers
Name: Bob Stewart
eBay ID: ras619
Email: ras@gsm-inc.com
APS: 152885
Interests: Worldwide stamps (no covers, cinderellas, f&f, postcards, etc.)
Name: Richard Wolfeld
eBay ID: rwolfeld@home.com
Email: rwolfeld@home.com
APS: 97871
Interests: Essays and Proofs
Name: Tom McGinty
eBay ID:
Email: Thosmcg@aol.com
Interests: Collecting used US and WW Will trade 1:1 50 or 100 Buyer for Kids Stamp Club: kiloware, bundleware, packets, etc.
Name: Paul Rontanini
eBay ID: ronton
Interests: US ( Singles ) UN ( Singles & FDC's ) Italy Canada ( to a lesser degree )
Name: David M. Green
eBay ID: Rebera
APS: 186679
Interests: All areas of Israel philataly, especially unusual and rare material.
Name: Ron Allison
eBay ID:
Name: misty price
eBay ID: rose-robbie
Email: rose_robbie@hotmail.com
APS: 191727
Interests: collect us and worldwide stamps both used and unused.
Name: Rob Faux
eBay ID: rfaux
APS: 182153
Interests: US 1861 issue, esp 24 cent denom., classic US, classic world, etc
Name: pascual r marquez
eBay ID:
mexico & spain and colonies was member of mepsi
Name: Ian Robinson
eBay ID: robinson-stamp
Email: ian.robinson@chello.se
Interest: Dealer specialised in German related areas (will of course sell and buy anything that I come across) Lurking collector of the
Name: Chris Bauer
eBay ID:
Lions Club stamps Lions Club covers
Name: Richard Page
eBay ID: rapage@hargray.com
Email: rapage@hargray.com
APS: 152458
Interests: Italy's former African colonies
(Libya, Tripolitania, Cirenaica, Eritrea, Somalia, Oltre Guiba and A.O.I.) Also British Somaliland, Obock and Somali Coast.
Name: richard m. hubbs
eBay ID: rmhubbs6326
Email: rmhubbs6326@yahoo.com
Interests: U.S., world to 1980
Name:Bob Lodge
eBay ID: rclwa
Location: Wenatchee WA USA
Interests: Bridges, Nudes, Iceland, Proofs & Essays, postal history, US Scott 114, 240, 297, C36, much other.
r.html1.jpg (4695 bytes)
Name: Rufus Wilson
eBay ID: rufwil
Email: rufwil@bigfoot.com
APS: 800652
Other Memberships: SCC, HPS, ATA
Interests: Iceland (including cancellations, revenues & FRAMA, Greenland, Aland, Finland, Faroe Islands, & Hawaii (excluding Missionaries).  I also have topical collections of kayaking & certain automobiles. Oh, I do seem to accumulate US stamps as well. 
Name: Gayle Yetter
eBay ID:ReadingSwan
Email: agyetter@aol.com
Interests: US, Canada, Ireland, United Nations, Faroe Islands, Indo-China, Thailand, Burma, Laos.
Name: Chris Runciman
eBay ID:runciman
Email: rfabian757@aol.com
Member of: British West Indies Study Circle
Location: United Kingdom
Interests: I am interested in the stamps, postal history etc of Montserrat and the Leeward Islands (after working on the island of Montserrat following the volcanic eruptions in 1997).
Name: Ralph K. Achgill
eBay ID: rka
Email: rka@rkacovers.com
APS: 146820
Other Memberships: American Stamp Dealers Association, American First Day Cover Society (Director)
Interests: I am a dealer in United States FDCs, Postal History, Navals, Advertising Covers, Flights, Civil War, and anything on envelope from the United States. I have a Web Page at www.rkacovers.com where I list several thousand covers for sale. I also maintain an eBay Store and run auctions daily.
Name: Robert W. Wood
eBay ID: rwood40
Email: woodr@usd.edu
Interests: I collect US stamps of all types.
Name: Rob Findlay
eBay ID: rabscallion117
Email: robert.findlay@ntlworld.com
Interests: G.B and Empire
Name: Chad Irish
eBay ID: RedSox8945
Email: RedSox8945@yahoo.com
Interests: Classics, First Day Covers, Inaugural Covers
Name: Richard Gorham
eBay ID: rjgorham
Email: richard.gorham@ntlworld.com
Other Memberships: Derby Philatelic Society
Interests: GB all periods, Commonwealth, Germany
Name: Russell Silverstein
eBay ID: russell.silverstein
Email: russell.silverstein@fiserv.com
APS: 117189
Other Memberships: E.P.A. ; WASC
Interests: Nigerias; Sudan; NZ; GB; USA
Name: Richard Wong
eBay ID: richwong
Email: saihingc@netvigator.com
APS: 68995
Interests: Hong Kong, FAM 14 (Trans-Pacific) first flight covers, KMC Venture (U.S.) first day covers
Name: Don Logan
eBay ID: redlog3
Email: dlogan4@hotmail.com
Interests: Worlwide
Name: Todd Lamkin
eBay ID: revschnufelfutz
Email: jlmusicmin@peoplepc.com
Interests: Most commemorative mints sets but I am going to fill in my US Liberty album with coils and definitives next. I also have an interest in plate blocks.
Name: Robin Antrobus
eBay ID: roo
Email: sueco@iinet.net.au
Interests: British Commonwealth
Name: Rohit Jain
eBay ID: rohitjain17
Email: rohit_stamps@rediffmail.com
Interests: Hologram stamps
Name: Robert Hunter
eBay ID: rhunter51
Email: rhunterbay@comcast.net
APS: 143518
Other Memberships: AFCDS
Interests: France, Germany, US, and British Commonwealth
Name: Roly Runciman
eBay ID: rolyrj
Email: rolyr@xtra.co.nz
Interests: New Zealand Pre 1940’s, Triangles of the World, Circles of the World
Name: Arnav Ray
eBay ID: ray_aarnav
Email: ray_arnav@yahoo.co.in
Name: Ruud van Koerten
eBay ID: ruud3004
Email: rvkoerten@wanadoo.nl
Interests: Hologram stamps and sheets
Name: Stephanie Hedgecoke
eBay ID: redsteph711
Email: kawiosta@yahoo.com
Other Memberships: Graphics Philately Assoc.
Interests: World, various countries, and a few topics including Indigenous cultural themes, and space
Name: Mark Loomis
eBay ID: ranger15
Email: mmloomis1@gmail.com
Interests: Rhodesia (BSACo; Southern Rhodesia; Northern Rhodesia; Rhodesia and Nyasaland; Nyasaland) and postmarks of the above
Name: Roger Kroll
eBay ID: rgkroll11
Email: rgkroll@msn.com
Other Memberships: Clearwater Stamp Club
Interests: US,UN, Canada, Australia, and Philippines (Mint Only) FDC (Global)

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updated 5/02/02 pb