APS Chapter

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eBay username

Red=Original members

Name: Matthew E. Liebson
eBay ID: paperhistory
Email: paperhistory@att.net
APS: 168685
Interests: Ohio Postal History; United States Machine Cancels; Stampless Covers; Doane and RFD cancels; pre-1940 worldwide stamps; United Nations; cows on stamps; ducks on stamps; Ohio and Ohioans on stamps; and much more
Name: Stephen C. Taylor
eBay ID: philcomp
Email: stevetaylor@venturefarm.com
APS: 159328
Interests: All aspects of U.S. Philately including Stamps, Postal Cards, Postal Stationery plus Vermont Stampless Covers
Name: Monte Hensley
eBay ID: pavos
Email: mhensle@msn.com
Mexican postal history, especially Forwarding Agent covers and transoceanic before 1868. Also classic Mexico stamps.
Name: John Powers
eBay ID:
Interests: Collect US singles prior to 1960. Buy and sell US stamps on ebay
Name: James Munch
eBay ID: pennystamps
Email: munch1227@msn.com
APS: 191163
Interests= 1 cent unused US. Franklin FDC.
Name: Paul R. Wagner
eBay ID: pwagner@southhills.edu
Email: pwagner@southhills.edu
APS: 188085
Interests: Canada U.S. to 1950
Name: Rebecca Smith
eBay ID: princess7161
Email: becky317@alaskalife.net
APS: S-150570
Interests: Princess Diana, Dogs, Roses and Royal Weddings
Name: Pete Kimball
eBay ID: petrelet
U.S. Commemoratives and Air Mails 1892-1940
Name: Peter Messerschmidt
eBay ID: peter-in-tx
Interests: Scandinavia in general; early Swedish postmarks; Danish numeral cancels; hand painted FDCs, US; 19th century US covers WITH contents intact.
Name: Richard Lauder
eBay ID: profile@inxpress.net
Interests: United States
Name: Scott Treacey
eBay ID:pertinax
Email: pertinax@ausisp.com
Interests: Repairs of the GB Line Engraved issues.
Name: Dave Coleman
eBay ID:Paper_Antiquarian
Email: orstampman@aol.com
APS: 182360
Interests: US classics, fancy cancels, advertising covers, postal
history with odd usages, autographs.
Name: Joseph D. (Joe) Coston
eBay ID:peregrine15
Email: jdcoston@usa.com
APS: 049655
Also member of: MEPSI, ARA
Interests: Mexico, British Empire, Machins
Name: Ross Figgins
eBay ID: phdtcob
Email: rfiggins@earthlink.net
Interests: United States
Name: Dr. Charles Marceau Posner
eBay ID: pcmspsn@ioe.ac.uk
Email: pcmspsn@ioe.ac.uk
APS: 187683
Interests: Designers and engravers, in particular of USA postage stamps.
Name: Peter T. Brown
eBay ID: peter1992tina@uswest.net
Email: peter1992tina@uswest.net
Interests: US mint singles and selected sheets
Name: William S.Shields
eBay ID: Perfins8975@aol.com
Email: Perfins8975@aol.com
Interests: Ireland, Israel, Perfins-Ireland,G.B. GB used in Ireland of diamond cancels plates of GB used in Ireland. A little U.S. U.S. precancels.
Name: Peter B. Irvine
eBay ID:pakkapakka1
Email: pakka@sympatico.ca
APS: 197055
Also member of: RPSC
Interests: KUT in all postal manifestations 1903-62
Name: Dave Drywood
eBay ID:Pendally
Email: pendally@cogeco.ca
Interests: Canadian
Name: Dave Frick
eBay ID: philatarium
Email: philatarium@gmail.com
APS: 187980
Interests: Japan & related areas (Manchukuo, occupation, etc.)
Name: Richard Carroll
eBay ID: preprec
Email: rcarroll@earlbfisk.com
Interests: Japan through 1980. Penguins.
Name: Paolo Angelini
eBay ID: paoloang-sara
Email: ecophil@alice.it
Interests: Italian area - Stamps on stamps - USA - Philippines
Name: Peter Cheung
eBay ID: peterc8888
Email: pc_stamps@yahoo.com
Interests: US stamps
Name: Mervyn Baily
eBay ID: pre-1900
Email: beimer@pop.onwe.co.za
Other Memberships: Witwatersrand Philatelic Society
Interests: The world before 1900 including local posts, revenues, bogus stamps
Name: Ian Keel
eBay ID: polytunnelman
Email: jkeel@ukonline.co.uk
Other Memberships: National Philatelic Society, American Topical
Interests: GB, Canada, Machin, Nobel Prize winners on stamps and covers
Name: Randy Dodds
eBay ID: penster716
Email: randydodds@hotmail.com
Interests: US, UK, FDC
Name: Michael Bradley
eBay ID: phil_ately
Email: michael.bradley@talktalk.net
Other Memberships: Darlington. United Kingdom
Interests: Vatican, Italy and saints on Stamps.

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updated 5/02/02 pb