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eBay username

Red=Original members

Name: Matt Stoll
eBay ID: keleofa
Email: stoll57@yahoo.com
APS: 156079
Interests: Samoa, New Zealand, British Commonwealth, Western Europe

Name: K.P. Neuforth
eBay ID: ksfarmer
Email: neuforth@mail.midusa.net
United States, use of stamps for historical illustration
Name: Kurt E. Irwin
eBay ID = kurtconi
Email: kurtconi@cp.duluth.mn.us
APS: 187511
Interests: Used U. S. R. P. O. Mail Postal History Postmarks Kurt E Irwin
Name: Ken Christiansen
eBay ID: kchrist499
Email: kchrist499@aol.com
APS: 193601
Interests: US Classics/early 20th Century
Germany to 1960 WW earlies
Name: Howard King
eBay ID: kingfl
Email: kingfl@bellsouth.net
Postal cards Postal stationary First flight covers Airmail covers
Name: Dale H. Farabee MD
eBay ID: kystamp
Interests: Great Britain & Colonial Empire Belgium
Name: Kenneth Nordstrand
eBay ID:
German stamps
Name: Knud-Erik Andersen
eBay ID: knuden
Interest: Offer: Philatelic material from Sudetenland, Denmark & Czechoslovakia Covers and postal stationery, Fieldpost covers and post cards from Austria during WWI and Czechoslovakia during 1938, Slovak mint postal stationery from 1939 to 1945 Want: Used Denmark wrappers - Postal History from the Sudetenland {1938-45} - Mint/used Iceland singles, covers and postcards Used Greenland and Covers - Catapultmail on Cover and Russia advertising propoganda post cards from 1927 to 1934
Member of: Danish Philatelic Society, ARGE Ostgebiete-Czechoslowakia & Czech Philatelic Society of Great Britain
Name: keren fitzgerald
eBay ID: keren29
Mostly GB - Queen Victoria, but anything early interests me.
Name: Karl h. Hanisch
eBay ID: karlhh
Email: karlhh@ipa.net
19th century U.S. Postal History specializing in Auxillary handstamps.

Name: Kim Winters
eBay ID: K-dub
Email: kwwinters@access.mountain.net
APS: #188141
Interests: U.S. Plate Blocks (especially Prexies) & Topical Covers
Name: Jean-Pierre Frossard
Email: j.frossard@virgin.net
APS: 183850
Interests: Worldwide stamps and covers, with a special interest in Great Britain Machins and Wildings.
Name: Kathy Smith
eBay ID: kjsmith63
Email: kjsmith63@bigpond.com
Australian PO Packs and FDC's mainly decimal era. Starting to develop an interest in clipper ship theme collecting, (not just stamps). Also fond of dogs, with the huskies issue from AAT being my very favourite pack.

Name: Kevin Baker
eBay ID: krbaker@edge.net
Email: krbaker@edge.net
Stamps and postal history of the
Confederate States of America
Name:Ken Michaelis
eBay ID: kmichael
Email: kmichaelis@ameritech.net
Location=Rockford IL US
Interests:Rockford IL postal history; pointing hand auxiliary markings; multi-forwarded mail; advertising covers
Name: Guillaume van Turnhout
eBay ID:kiompie
Email: kiompie at skynet dot be
Interests: Collects Russia (Soviet & Empire) and Albania, with a special interest in covers.
Guillaume is Dutch, but currently living in Belgium.

Name: Dave Arthur
eBay ID:kz1qrt
Email: dave@davesgame.com
Interests: GB Machins inc Cyl Blocks, Booklets, Coils and Singles. Also USA, Australia, IOM and Channel Islands. See my web site for total list of collecting interests: www.davesgame.com


Name: Duane Karlen
eBay ID:3karotts
Email: dkarlen@erols.com
Interests: Nepal (early to recent, new and used)


Name: Doug Merenda
eBay ID: ke36523
Email: dougm43@webtv.net
APS: 10135-192734
Other Memberships: Christopher Columbus Philatelic Society (CCPS), Auxiliary Markings Club (DIrector), West Suburban Stamp Club, Motor City Stamp & Cover Club, Ferndale Stamp Club (Vice-President), Birmingham Stamp Club (Secretary), Collectors Club of Michigan.
Interests: 1893 Columbian Exposition, US Columbian stamps on cover (postal history), odd/unusual US covers that catch my fancy.
Name: Ken Johnson
eBay ID: KJohnsonHP
Email: KJohnsonHP@comcast.net
Interests: Worldwide. I've been printing Steiner pages and making Specialty albums. I mostly like colonial powers: Germany and colonies, France and colonies, UK, Canada, US, Portugal, Spain.
eBay ID: kopkop9
Email: mbattr@aol.com
Interests: Classic used US stamps, both as singles and as used blocks/multiples, anything slightly odd philatelically - illegal usages on cover, illegal overprints, strange cachets or cancels, etc., etc., etc...
Name: Trevor Clark
eBay ID: knowb69
Email: knowb69@hotmail.com
Interests: Australian, Australian KGV, British Commonwealth countries, Ex British Commonwealth countries, FDC British Commonwealth countries, Ex British Commonwealth countries.
Name: Nicholas Cifelli
eBay ID: kathmoon
Email: kathmoon@aol.com
APS: 192824
Other Memberships: Cape Coral Stamp Club, President
Interests: Classic U.S Classic BOB
Name: Alain Pierron
eBay ID: kijimo
Email: alainpierron@gmail.com
Interests: Monaco, Philippines, Mauritius, France
Name: Kumar Chainani
eBay ID: kumarchainani
Email: kumarchainani@gmail.com
Interests: India and Indian states
Name: Krecsik Kálmán
eBay ID: krecsik
Email: krka1961@gmail.com
Interests: I collect: The covers, cards of cancellation with Olympic thematic postmark. The Olympic postal stationary of mint or used. Olympic medallists mint stamps.
Name: Kevin Frick
eBay ID: kevinmf055
Email: kevinf005@yahoo.com
Interests: I am exclusively a US stamp collector. I did not know of this site, and I think that it is a great idea!! Kudos to whoever started it!

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updated 5/02/02 pb