eBay Users' Stamp Club CONSTITUTION
Draft --
April 7, 1999
Revision 1 -- April 10, 1999
Revision 3 -- April 4, 2004
Revision 4 -- June 12, 2005
We the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures,
benefits and security of an association of persons commonly
interested in the many aspects of Stamp Collecting, constitute
ourselves the eBay Users' Stamp Club and enact this constitution
as our governing rules. It shall be our purpose to further the
exchange of information and cooperation among members, to promote
philatelic knowledge, ethical stamp collecting and trading,
friendship, and to conduct club programs and activities to advance
the general interest and welfare of stamp collecting in
conjunction with safe trading within the eBay community.
Article I
All registered
eBay users interested in stamp collecting
may be eligible for membership. Membership is open to those who
have displayed by their actions either as a buyer or seller on
eBay that they are of honourable character.
Application for membership can be made to an officer of the club
who shall put forward the application for consideration at a
monthly officer’s meeting. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal the
decision. Appeals must be in writing and will be considered at the
next monthly officer’s meeting. No membership dues are payable
however we urge members to support any fund raising activities.
Membership may be revoked if one or more of the
following situations occur.
1. A member no longer displays an honourable
character as required by Article 1. 2. Suspension by
eBay for a period of 2 months or longer 3.
The member has not engaged in an
eBay transaction for a period of 12 months
4. At the request of the member.
Membership cancellation must have unanimous
support of the executive.
Article II
Sec 1. The officers of this club shall
· President/Facilitator
· Executive Assistant
· Media Relations Officer
· APS Representitive
Sec 2. The officers shall be elected for
a term of one year by ballot of the members voting at a periodic
Sec 3. Vacancies occurring between
election shall be filled by special elections at the earliest
opportunity following the withdrawal or resignation.
Sec 4. Officers may be removed by a
three-fourths vote of the membership present at a specially
convened meeting. 10 days notice must be given to the membership
of intention to remove an officer.
Sec 1. The Facilitator shall preside at
meetings and conduct them according to the rules adopted. He/she
shall enforce due observance of this Constitution; decide all
questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the
club, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
Sec 2.
The Executive Assistant (EA) shall assume the
duties of Facilitator in his/her absence. The EA shall maintain a
roll of members, carry on any necessary correspondence, be
responsible for finances, maintain the website and assist the
Facilitator in posting a notice of meetings to all members. The EA
will do other such duties as determined by the Facilitator.
Sec 3. The Media Relations Officer shall liaise with media to
ensure our opinions and ideas are well received by the public.
The MRO will promote stamp collecting and safe
eBay trading.
Sec 4. The APS representative will attend as many APS meetings
as economically viable. He will represent our ideals at these
meetings and will report back to the EUSC via the periodic
meeting. The officers may appoint a replacement representative
on a temporary basis if the current representative is unable
to attend an APS meeting. The replacement does not have
Officers voting rights.
Article IV
Officers meetings are to attended by the club officers and
held in the week prior to the periodic general meeting at a
pre-agreed chat board. There must be a 50% quorum.
Periodic meetings are to be held on a regular basis on the
eBay Stamp Chat Board. A quorum shall be the posted comments
of a minimum 20 members. Special meetings are to be held on
eBay Stamp Chat Board. A quorum shall be the posted
comments of a minimum 20 members.
Members of the club will provide advice and assistance to
anyone interested in stamp collecting or safe Ebay trading.
Article VI
This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a
two-thirds vote of the membership present at a periodic or
special meeting. Proposals for the amendments shall be posted
on the eBay Stamps Board and shall be voted on at a regular
meeting scheduled by the Facilitator within 14 days and after
a minimum10 day period for notice to the membership.
Members will conduct themselves ethically while stamp
collecting including on-line activities. This includes support
of the ~APS Code of Ethics.
eBay Users' Stamp Club
Facilitator. It shall be the duty of the facilitator to maintain and post the constitution
and By-Laws of the club. He/she shall note all amendments, changes, and additions on the
Membership. Full membership is open to all registered eBay users who are interested in
stamp collecting in its many aspects. Membership is required to hold office. Regular
participation in meeting day topics is suggested for all members.
Meetings. A regular meeting day shall be set for once each month. Since the internet is
international in scope and runs 7 days a week 24 hours a day, it is expected that meeting
participation will be by postings throughout the day on the eBay Stamps Board. At the
conclusion of each meeting day, the facilitator shall determine when to schedule the next
meeting day and the topic.
4. Dues. No
regular monthly dues will be assessed.