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The winner of the letter A was Bill C with the A's for Alemagne on
Colombia SCADTA stamps.
Posted by claghorn1p ( 408
) on Dec-24-06 at 12:23:29 PST |
ABC Show Infla-Alec
Here is some information about your beloved Germany whose name starts
with the letter A at least in Spanish.
Here are some SCADTA stamps
overprinted by handstamp to indicate that they were to be used in
Germany. The handstamps are particularly uncommon.
Here are the machine overprints mint
and here are some used and to
make it complete is the three peso sheet
for use in Germany.
SCADTA was a German air company providing contract air mail service
within Colombia. There was a need to allow foreign incoming mail to use
the internal SCADTA service so stamps were provided to overseas
customers to pre-pay for this service. The stamps of the foreign country
provided carriage overseas to Colombia and the SCADTA stamps provided
air mail service within Colombia. Here is an example of a
cover from Germany showing this
Forgery Identification
The German Michel catalog lists all the overprints and varieties.
Different overprints were needed for each country as exchange rates for
foreign countries varied and the country overprints were used to keep
the speculators away.
The winner of B was Jim L with the Indiana posts beginning with B.
Posted by
jim_lawler ( 1069
) on Oct-23-06 at 03:10:58 PDT |
I’ve heard no suggestion one of the “B” cancels from the Kokomo Stamp Club’s
Mailers Postmark Permit I’ll re-post the hand colored butterfly as
representative of the batch of them that won the “B” week.
Card 21-5.
Jim L. |
Posted by kchrist499 ( 1073
) on Oct-15-06 at 09:18:21 PDT |
I finally found the Chili stamp with the seven (eight?) "C"s.
If I did the HTML right, it should be here. |
The winner of D was Richard W with Burma stamp.
Posted by
sayasan (
on Oct-08-06 at 05:05:21 PDT
OK. Before I announce the winner of the "E's", here's my own
belated contribution. Another E for elephant -
are modern Burma cinderellas created by the late Gerald Davis (doyen of
Burma collectors, among much else), which are themselves parodies of a
rather elusive 19th century "classic" bogus production for Burma. They were
created as a shot across the bows to Norman (L N) Williams, the cinderella
supremo (among much else), who in his later years had developed a sniffy
hierarchical attitude about "classic" versus "modern" cinderellas, of which
he disapproved. Gerald felt that one cinderella was as good as another, by
definition. From left to right - elephant facing left; elephant facing
right; back view of elephant.
I don't think L N was amused.
Right, the "E's". You haven't made this easy at all. So many good
things. But in a purely subjective, irrational kind of way, I particularly
liked, and would want to mention, the following:
Knuden's unique error wrappers
Deh3's remarkable “Escaped” cover
Rclwa's spectacular US perf error & Haiti inverted centre
Claghorn's piratical Epirus cover
Lavart's fine wreck mail from the Eider
Sheryll's amazing Ethiopian errors (whoever owns them ...)
Jaywild's sheer quantity of Expo's.
For a long period, my front runner was horadam's extremely beautiful Tati
Concessions revenue elephants, but at the very last moment, lluehhhb
has come from nowhere and has burst through the finishing tape with the
Chilean earthquake semi-postals on cover, which I declare the winner,
simply because I warmly approve of serious modern postal history.
Covers like these are the rareties of the future ...
Thanks, everyone. Over to alec.
Richard W. |
Posted by
lluehhhb (
) on Oct-07-06 at 23:09:33 PDT
Finally I got some time to post something;
my "E" entry is for Earthquakes.
In May 22, 1960, the strongest earthquake (9.3 in Richter scale) was
registered in southern Chile.
The Spanish government printed and gave as a gift to the Chilean people a
set of 4 semipostal stamps.
The surtax was to aid the earthquake victims.
The set was issued in April 29, 1961. Unfortunately, the initial sales were
pretty low, so in November 17, 1962 the government authorized the use of the
stamps including the surtax amount as valid postage (a 0.10 + 0.10 stamp
could be used as a 0.20 stamp).
Until last week, I had found only 3 covers used in the first period, but all
were incorrectly franked, taking the surtax amount as part of the postage,
here are
two of these.
Now, for the first time in years I was able to find in eBay a
pair of
postcards with a correct usage (God bless ebay and the seller!).
Here and here are
usages of the four stamps in the second period, all paying the 0.42 UPU
letter rate to Europe.
25 years later, in March 3, 1985, another big earthquake was suffered. This
time, the government decided to issue a $5 charity stamp, first day of use
was April 9, 1985 and was valid for only 3 months!
As could be expected, covers using this stamp are rare.
Here are
two covers, one domestic and other to Germany. I know only one more cover in
a friend's collection.
These are subjects of a collection of Chilean surtaxes I've been building
from some time ago. |
Posted by
lluehhhb ( 210
) on Oct-15-06 at 09:15:48 PDT |
Hi all,
After reading all the F messages, I declare the winner the Feldpost
emergency covers posted by taodave on Oct-11-06 at 05:17:26
Thank you all and let's go into G's |
Posted by
taodave ( 134
) on Oct-11-06 at 05:17:26 PDT |
F is for Fieldpost
These two fieldposts to members of the forces defending German East Africa
during World War I are examples of "adversity mail" akin to the Confederate
wallpaper covers of the American Civil War. A severe shortage of paper
caused by the British naval blockade resulted in the use of just about any
scrap that happened to be at hand for envelopes and wrappers.
The first example is a wrapper made from a page of a prewar photogravure
section of the "Usambara Post," a weekly newspaper published in Tanga. It
was mailed in August 1915 from Tanga to an army doctor stationed in Neu
Moschi. The page, incidentally, illustrates scenes from the Mexican
The second example is a wrapper made from a page of a court or prison
ledger, mailed in May 1916 from Morogoro to the army storage depot at
taodave |
Posted by
taodave ( 134
) on Oct-22-06 at 15:35:01 PDT |
Oh boy, was this ever difficult! In reviewing my notes, I counted 46
entries. Some contributors, like Jim Lawler and Iomoon, favored us with a
number of interesting G's, while others contributed only one.
Those who remember my own entries for previous letters will recall that I am
a sucker for exotic postal history--- so those who posted covers rather than
naked stamps were at some advantage in this week's competition. That said, I
really enjoyed seeing Paolo's lithographed pastel 1926 Greek airmails ( they
were favorites of my youth). Iomoon's Gambier Islands entry also attracted
me, not least because Lord Gambier was one of the British aristocrats who
contributed money for the founding of my alma mater, which is located in an
Ohio village bearing his name.
Lavar slyly entered German colony covers, knowing my weakness for GEA
material. I really liked sayasan's Japanese military mail from occupied
Burma, knuden's German fieldpost from his Sudetenland web exhibit and deh
3's example of relatively modern postal history--- a registered AR cover
from Cayenne, French Guiana to metropolitan France. And there were many
other fascinating entries.
This week's winner posted exotic covers from Nepal (Gorkha to Katmandu,
1907) and Iraq (a Ghuchan Iraq Railway cover).
Congratulations, Rainer (22028), on winning this week's prize.
taodave |
Posted by 22028 ( 1500
) on Oct-22-06 at 20:57:05 PDT |
Cover from Gorkha to Kathmandu,
franked with 1 Anna, cancelled with Killer postmark Gorkha (Type C80), in
addition, the negative handdated postmark Gorkha (Type N25) dated (BS)
64.5.23 (AD) 09.09.1907) and the (Arrival)-Date stamp from Kathmandu (Type
D79) dated (BS) 64.05.26 (AD) 12.09.1907.
Ghuchan (Kojan) maybe also spelled Qochan, Iraq |
Posted by 22028 ( 1503
) on Oct-29-06 at 00:34:07 PDT |
As announced earlier, I have now finalized the evaluation of the H
related messages from the past week and my report is as follows:
If I have counted correctly, a total of 47 entries were made. With regret I
had to disqualify the entry of sheryll*net, alias S2 posted on
27. October at 01:46:02 due to the reason that I have been able to download
the image.
There are several posters who have submitted a large number of entries…, top
posters were:
iomoon, 12 entries
jim_lawler, 10 entries
rclwa, 6 entries
Evaluating the entries was a tough task; however I enjoyed looking thru the
entries. The quantity of postings made by the individual members did not
have influenced my decision…
Several items would have deserved it, just to mention infla-alecs
Hamburg Strassenbahn cover, the beautiful Denmark cover from knuden.
My secretary likes especially the contribution of mini*lindy, showing
us a beautiful GB Hand drawn illustrated envelope.
But I have to make my decision and award this weeks H award to
malolo for his wonderful display of Swiss Razor cancel items, related
Congratulation… |
Posted by
malolo (
) on Oct-29-06 at 20:47:47 PST |
Here’s a clean example of a free soldiers card from Herisau, which was a
large military school to the kaserne in Chur. Note the “militaire” written
under the top corner cancel. Posted 10 am, received Chur 4pm!
Another in Italian “Servizio
Militare” from Bellinzona to the Capitol Building in Bern, then
forwarded to Herisau.
Letter H is for Helsingfors, Finland. Bottom cover on
This page. 25 centimes rate using 11 stamps!
Havana!, Cuba next destination for a deCoppet cancel. I’ll quote
”On 11 April 1903, the day this wrapper was posted, Frederick deCoppet
was sent a contract by the Swiss PTT to provide cancelers for all First
Class Post Offices. He signed and returned the contract the next day, April
12, 1903.” Thus ended the official experiment of razor canceler usage,
ever use after was due to the strength of construction and, “why throw a
good thing away?”
Hotel Schweizerhof I now have a number of examples of this cancel.
At some point I’ll show the different cancels used by the Hotel to mark the
letters and cards leaving the premises. As we put things together it is
becoming more certain that deCoppet designed this cancel and we know Güller
made it. I now have two examples of the lower right cancel, though the Bern
proves to be elusive. I haven’t a clue how many are known of either cancel.
My examples were used on 2 and 3 Oct, 1889.
Roger |
Posted by
malolo ( 823
) on Nov-05-06 at 06:29:11 PST |
Letter “I”
Rainer - complex Iranian
Lions Stamps
Io -
Ghana stamp of IO, but consideration of his name and influence on the
Bob in WA -
Imperfs of 12 Canada Bridge
Knuden -
Island sets of stamps - beauties
Island postal history many covers and cards
David B -
Fiji covers fiji.jpg
deh3 -
An interesting military insured cover. 70 1/2 cents!
Hungary Jim for Ice Skating. nice stamps.
lluehhhb "Incineration". and the political uses of stamps.
But since I’m a real sucker for a postal history stories, the winner is
taodave for contributing two very interesting East African stories.
I is for "Inderbrief" (Indian letter).
Much of the commerce in German East Africa was carried on by Indian
merchants, predominantly Gujerati. Their surviving wartime mail can be
rather interesting.
This cover was sent in June 1916 from Bagamojo to an Indian merchant in Dar-es-Salaam:
This cover was sent to the same merchant, using a preprinted address, in
March 1916. The oval CDS indicates that it travelled via the Central
Note that neither cover bears a stamp, but instead an official-looking seal.
One of the measures taken when a shortage of stamps developed because of the
British blockade was to "pre-pay" envelopes. The Director-General of Posts
in Morogoro decreed in January 1916 that envelopes in units of ten could be
sent to his office to be pre-franked at 7 1/2 heller (the domestic rate).
Later, the postmasters at Dar-es-Salaam and Tanga were authorized to
pre-frank envelopes. The first cover was pre-franked at the Dar-es-Salaam
postoffice, the second at Morogoro.
My last Inderbrief was intended to be sent on the British cruiser HMS
Pegasus from Zanzibar to Dar-es-Salaam. During its early days, the conflict
in GEA was a "gentleman's war," to the extent that the British agreed to
transport a limited amount of mail out of and into blockaded Dar-es-Salaam.
This cover contains four letters written in Gujerati on 19 Sep 1914 to
Indian merchants in Bagamoyo, advising them to leave GEA on the next
available dhow. Although it had already been passed by the censor (faint
triangular handstamp) and stamped with a circled T indicating postage due to
be collected from the addressee, it never left Zanzibar. The very next day,
the German cruiser SMS Koenigsberg sailed into Zanzibar harbor and sank HMS
Pegasus, putting an end to this arrangement:
I is for "Internment Camp Mail."
Shortly after the outbreak of War in August 1914, Allied civilians living in
GEA (most of them missionaries) were interned by the Germans in six camps:
Tabora, Wilhelmsthal, Mahenge, Kilimatinde, Kiboriani and Buigiri. No covers
have been reported from the first two camps, a total of but 20 from the
other four. In July 1916, England and Germany agreed to repatriate the
This is a letter sent on December 27, 1915 from the internment camp at
Kilimatinde to the missionary Miss Scott in the camp at Kiboriani. The camp
censor used the official seal of the Native Tribunal; it is overwritten "gesehen"
to indicate that the contents had been examined:
Here is the rather ratty front of a pre-paid envelope (see yesterday's
Inderbrief entry for an explanation) mailed in July 1916 by an internee in
the camp at Mahenge to an internee in the Tabora camp. The German censor's
seal is that of the commanding officer of the Schutztruppe in Mahenge and
Songea. This is the discovery copy of mail from the Mahenge camp:
Congratulations to all who entered this week. It becoming more difficult to
judge. So future judges will have to really pay attention! LOL
Roger |
Posted by
taodave ( 134
) on Nov-12-06 at 13:49:50 PST |
OK, ladies and gentlemen--- here are my thoughts on the contributions
for the letter "J."
There were 26 entries, all of them worthy of consideration. I downloaded and
segregated the entries by day submitted, and have enjoyed reviewing them
this afternoon.
November 5: Many excellent submissions. I especially liked iomoon's and
jwild's Jersey under German occupation items, infla-alec's Judenpost trial
sheet and DHandelman's (I think--- my notes are pretty illegible) earliest
known AR cover from anywhere to the U.S. A pretty ratty cover (as are many
of mine), but with a lot of character.
November 6. An incredibly well-preserved and handsome 1860 French cover,
with an imperf Napoleon and a Bureau J CDS, submitted by mage caught my eye.
November 7. Speaking of gorge-ous ( bad pun), how about iomoon's 4-stamp
Chinese strip depicting the Jingbo chasm?
November 8. Several enticing entries on this date. I learned about UK
Jubilee Lines from sheryll*net. I also liked iomoon's Japanese MSDF cover
from the Fuji icebreaker, dcderoo's Japanese Antarctic Expedition cover and
his accompanying story of the dinner the Japanese cooked for him down below,
and jimlawler's Kokomo cancellations with Jack or Jenny mules kicking up
their heels. One of them is a pretty good replica of the famous Kicking Mule
cancel from Port Townsend WA (but also used in Neah Bay and two California
towns). I've long been interested in this cancel, and in fact have exhibited
a one-framer about Kicking Mules on U.S. Departmental stamps.
November 9. Wow---sayasan's Japanese occupation of Burma covers! I
especially liked the enticingly ratty 1945 cover with the Moulmein mark.
Looks like they had a paper shortage there also.
November 10. Rclwa's discourse on the various printings of the Chinese Junk
definitives impressed me.
November 11. one entry only on this date--- a teeny Chinese Junk cover from
And the winner this week? By now, chatboard members should realize that I'm
attracted by postal history, especially covers with a lot of "character."
(This often means that they're pretty ratty). My two semi-finalists were
DHandelman and sayasan. The destination of DHandelman's 1883 cover to a
prisoner at Fort Leavenworth tipped the balance in his/her favor. Could
he/she have known that I collect U.S. fort covers from this period?
Congratulations, DHandelman! You are this week's champion. But do not
despair, sayasan. It looks like you are already a strong contender for "K."
taodave |
Posted by deh3 ( 1253
) on Nov-12-06 at 14:34:06 PST |
Actually (this is sort of embarrassing), my intended entry for J
was the 1859 cover to the Toronto Jail (gaol, at the time), and the Escaped
cover (escaped from Jail, that is, in this case Leavenworth) had been my
entry for E, that I recycled for J, as another jail cover. Do I still
win? Regardless of whether I do, I appreciate the honour, if only temporary.
Here is the Escaped cover (the
explanation is included in the image), and here is
Jail. The latter was an 1859 drop
letter from the Upper Canada Dept of Education to Governor of the Gaol in
Toronto, in the year in which Canada switched from LSD to decimal currency;
the rate mark is one-half penny, unusually clear for Toronto.
David Handelman |
Posted by deh3 ( 1256
) on Nov-19-06 at 07:43:39 PST |
OK. Finally, the winning entry for K.
My (highly subjective) criteria were interest, significance, and exposition
(not necessarily in that order). For multiple entries, I took the best of
the items, unless they were very closely linked to each other.
Short list (in no particular order)
lavart: for 1898 German postal card from Kiautschou hand drawn picture of
the German fortifications there.
taodave: for commercial 1917 letter from Kionga
knuden: for Kriegsgefangen (Prisoner of war), WWI Denmark to POW in Germany
22028: for the Khukris stamps
sayasan: for Karen insurgent area cover,
Paperhistory: Kellogg's city despatch cover
honourable mention:
jim_lawler: for all the Kokomo precancels (they reminded me of the train
announcer on the Jack Benny show ...)
And the winner is ... lavarT!
Congratulations to the everyone who participated.
David H |
Posted by
lavart ( 1311
on Nov-17-06 at 23:14:17 PST |
K is for Keijo, Korea, from the German Konsulat to
Farm Atok, Akonolinga, Kamerun.
This is a registered cover mailed from
Keijo (Seoul), Korea to Farm Atok, Akonolinga, Kamerun on May 2, 1913. The
reverse, which can be seen here , has a
wafer seal from the German Consulate for Korea. While there is a Korean
transit marking dated May 3, there are no further transit or receiving
marks. I don't know whether this means that the cover was removed from the
normal postal system (perhaps to be carried via pouch), or whether the
absence of additional transit markings is just an aberration. This is one of
the best incoming covers to Kamerun I have. K is also for Kiautschou.
Here is a German postal card sent by a member of the crew of the SMS
Gefion while the ship was stationed at Kiautschou in July of 1898. What
makes this card truly spectacular is the
reverse , which has an extremely detailed hand drawn picture of the
German fortifications at Kiautschou.
Here is a card sent from Kiautschou
on Nov. 23, 1901 to Bucharest, Romania, a very unusual destination.
Here is an incoming card to
Kiautschou, sent from Johannesburg, Transvaal, in April of 1902, shortly
after Transvaal was occupied by the British. The card, which has a press
censor handstamp, has a nice Singapore to Hong Kong Marine Sorter marking
and Colombo transit. In Kiautschou, the card was forwarded to Wilhelmshaven,
Germany, received there June 11.
Here is the message half of a
Kiautschou message-reply card mailed back to Kiautschou from Hong Kong on
May 8, 1904. There is a full message on the reverse.
Here is a cover sent from Kiautschou
on Feb. 27, 1899 to Guatemala. As can be seen on the
reverse , the cover was sent by the
Kiautschou government and traveled via San Francisco and New Orleans to its
Here is a card franked with a
Kiautschou stamp which was used outside of the political boundaries of
Kiautschou. In 1901 and 1902, due to a shortage of German stamps in the
German PO's China, stamps of Kiautschou were used in a few German PO's in
China. Most of these stamps were used in Peking. A few were used elsewhere,
like this usage in Tientsin. Covers with these usages are very difficult to
Here is an incoming postal card sent
from the Philippines to Kiautschau in 1904.
Here is an incoming postal card sent
from the Canary Islands to Kiautschou in June, 1902. |
Posted by
lavart ( 1313
on Nov-26-06 at 10:14:15 PST |
Thanks to everyone who posted for the letter "L". There were lots of
very nice items. Both antonius ra and rclwa featured my favorite US stamp,
the 90 cent Lincoln. taodave featured some excellent GEA material. sayasan
posted an intriguing Burma cover. stamps12345 had some beautiful diamond amd
triangle stamps from the Baltic area. Plus there was lots more, including
Luxembourg, Labuan, some really nice volcanoes, etc., etc. I really enjoyed
judging this week's show and tell. The letter "L" award goes to
bwiphilately for the nice Leeward Islands error. Congratulations! Your
prize, if you choose to accept it, is to judge the "M" show and tell. |
Posted by
bwiphilately ( 331
) on Nov-24-06 at 14:15:18 PST |
L is for Leeward Islands. The 1 penny stamp of the first
Queen Victoria set issued in 1890 has an interesting error. During printing,
one of the panes shifted, and as a result, the country name and denomination
were offset to the right. The shift was evidently at an angle because the
amount of offset varies from large in which the 'S' in ISLANDS appears at
the top left of the adjacent stamp (as can be seen in
this example), to not very noticeable. I
have been told that 26 copies have been recorded, including one on cover.
This variety is not listed in Scott or Gibbons, but appears in the Bridger &
Kay Five Reigns catalogue. |
Posted by
bwiphilately ( 331
) on Dec-03-06 at 05:31:30 PST |
Thanks to all who participated in this week's "M" show and tell. Quite a
variety of material was displayed. I found jaywild's machine cancels,
infla_alec's and knuden's inflation covers, taodave's German East Africa and
Mayotte covers, vonbag's misperfs, 22028's Medellin bisect cover, and
knuden's Sudetnland material to be particularly interesting as well as
iomoon's volcanos (btw, my niece loves your volcano site), bjorn's mushrooms
of Norway, and jim_lawler's Kokomo fancy cancels.
This week's award goes to taodave for his Macequece and Musoma covers. In
keeping with tradition, your prize (and I hope you will accept), is to judge
the "N" show and tell. |
Posted by
taodave ( 135
) on Dec-03-06 at 10:50:40 PST |
M is for Macequece
Another example of mail from Germans interned in East African camps during
WW I, this time a 1917 Mozambique Company postal card from the camp at
Macequece, Portuguese East Africa, addressed to a repatriated campmate in
The address side bears a hexagonal Macequece postmark, partly covered by a
Geneva transit postmark. There are also handstamps applied by the Lourenço
Marques provincial Red Cross, the Portuguese censor in Beira and the
International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, as well as an Exempt
(from postage) etiquette:
The message is written in English, undoubtedly for the benefit of the
M is for Musoma.
Musoma was a German East African village on the southern shore of Lake
Several years ago, I put together a "GEA Cancellations" exhibit centering on
covers bearing the cancellations of the various postal stations in the
Protectorate. I soon withdrew it from competition because I was acutely
aware (although the judges may not have been) that I lacked a cover from
Although the village of Kisaki, an army outpost in the middle of nowhere
which had a postal station for less than a year in the 1890s, is generally
considered the rarest GEA cancel, the late Wolfgang Wenten maintained that
Musoma, despite being in operation for almost three years 1913-1916, was
more difficult to obtain. I found that to be true. Kisaki covers
occasionally surfaced in German auction catalogues over a several year
period, but not a single Musoma until 2005, when I was able to obtain a
cover with a rather poor strike ( like most Musoma cancels). Another 2005
German auction offered a cover with much more character, and which had the
additional advantage of also being suitable for my War and Occupation
exhibit. Unfortunately, I was underbidder in that auction. But in March
2006, the item was offered in an American auction, and I was able to obtain
it for about the same as my underbid the previous year.
The cover is a July 29, 1914 registered letter from Musoma to London:
.Most GEA mail to Europe was routed through Dar-es-Salaam, but settlers in
the northern reaches of the Protectorate found it faster to send their mail
by Lake Victoria steamer to Kisumu, British East Africa, which was connected
by railroad to the Indian Ocean port of Mombasa. As the reverse shows, the
boat carrying this letter docked at Kisumu on August 4, 1914--- the day
Britain declared war on Germany. Nevertheless, the cover continued to
Mombasa (August 7) and on to London, where it was censored, officially
sealed with red wax, and put in the Returned Letter Section on September 18,
probably for the duration of the war:
This is probably one of the last pieces of pre-war mail to have left German
East Africa.taodave |
Posted by taodave ( 135
) on Dec-10-06 at 07:50:42 PST |
I encountered and downloaded over 40 entries for the letter N, in the
process enlarging my knowledge of history, geography and philately. There
were many strong entries, among them Rainer's classic Nepal, Sheryll's New
Hebrides pages, Richard W's Mr. Naigamwalla saga, David's Norway AR entry,
bjornmu's Norway entries,Lavar's German colonies material, and of course Bob
in WA's nudes. And, philatelic or not, Paul's Niger Coast bisect cover was
very pretty.
I realize that many Board participants share Soggy's view that stamps, not
postal history, are what stamp-collecting is all about. For that reason I
was sorely tempted to give this week's award to Bob for his nudes--- it's
remarkable what one can find on those little pieces of paper when their
image is enlarged. I am sure that a number of fellow lechs on the board
anxiously await his "S" entry!
However, IMO, pride of place for the "N" week belongs to the lovely Sheryll,
for her great New Hebrides webpage:
which has Something for Everyone! It looks to me like she's heading for Gold
in a U. S. national show.
Congratulations, Sheryll, and enjoy judging the "O" entries.
P.S. As mentioned previously, this is my third and last stint as judge, at
least for the remainder of this traversal of the alphabet. I plan to
continue contributing interesting (to me) items, but on a non-competitive
P.P.S. See you Tuesday evening at the Philatelic Society Dinner, Soggy. |
Posted by sheryll*net (
) on Dec-11-06 at 01:52:46 PST |
Repost for Billsey (whose Tuesday evening dinner invitation I
intend to take up!)
Wow! There were so many M entries that I was kept busy trying to read
them all, so didn't find a quiet time to post mine. (I'll
have to try to find a way to make them work for "Q" or "X")
But now it is time for N, and I collect .....
Hebrides! Oh, and Nouvelles-Hébrides, too (thanks to Io
for the crossword clue).
For a comprehensive New Hebrides reference, please bookmark Roland's
Virtual Stamp Album
New Hebrides website.
I'll try to show some specific N examples later on in the week.
S2 |
Posted by sheryll*net ( 90
) on Dec-17-06 at 16:20:24 PST |
Hi all! Many thanks to all those who posted for the letter O.
The winner is Jaywild Jim for his posting of October 5 covers
and stamps, a collection which he states has "no redeeming social
purpose!!". However, I would think it invites the opportunity to gain a wide
range of philatelic knowledge, whilst being quirky and individualistic.
Jim certainly spends enough time on the board to judge the P's,
but should he decline, the runner-up is anyone who took the time and trouble
to prepare an O posting regardless of length or rarity, and who is
willing to take on the task.
S2 |
Posted by
jaywild (
on Dec-18-06 at 06:31:54 PST |
O is for October 5, of course.
Talk about a collection with no redeeming social purpose!! Below is a
compilation of the years I have, however any duplicates of the same year
have been omitted.
16351 1717 1738 17552 1780 1782 1801 1802 1807 18083
1811 1814 1818 1820 18224 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827
1828 18295 1830 1831 1832 1833 18346 1835 1836 18377
1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 18438 1844 1845 1846 1847
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 18549 1855 1856 1857
185810 185911 1860 1861 1862 186312 1864 1865 1866 186713
1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 187514 1876 1877
1878 1879 1880 188115 1882 188316 1884 1885 188617 1887
1888 1889 189018 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897
1898 1899 1900 1901 190219 190320 190421 1905 1906 1907
1908 1909 1910 191122 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917
1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 192423 1925 1926 192724
1928 1929 193025 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937
1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947
194826 1949 195027 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957
1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
1968 1969 1970 1971 1972* 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985* 1986* 1987
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996* 1997*
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
- This is the earliest I have. The date inside is written “vendredi le 5
Octobre 1635”, and in checking my perpetual calendar, October 5, 1635 was
indeed a “vendredi” (Friday).
- This is a page from a Spanish Empire, colony of Ecuador, transaction
book, much like a Deed Register or Will Register from any US county. The
squiggle at top left indicates that a tax was paid on this transaction.
- On the reverse is the notation “repond le 27 8bre”, 8bre being
shorthand for October, which is Latin for “the 8th month”. (The old Roman
year used to begin March 1st.)
- The rate, of 18 ¾ cents corresponds to one bit of the Spanish dollar,
which was widely used as currency in the US at that time.
- 50 cents paid from Michigan Territory. Backside states “map of battle
ground enclosed”, unfortunately now lost.
- Neat STEAM BOAT marking, story inside about a wild
storm on a sea journey to Brooklyn.
- Express mail, triple rate, 75 cents to New York. A princely sum in
- First Oct. 5 item with a stamp on it, GB penny red.
- Tiny cross-border cover from Cazenovia NY.
- This letter was written and posted from Paris while the Great Comet of
1858 was blazing in the nighttime Paris sky, yet the oblivious writer
makes no mention of it. Some people never look up at all!
- This one is for Knud-Erik!
- Homemade Confederate cover from Toombsboro GA, butcher paper sealed
with molasses. The Union blockade of the South was very effective in
keeping supplies of paper from reaching the Confederacy.
- Owen Sound, Ontario features prominently in the fiction of Alice
Munro, one of the 20th Century’s most celebrated writers.
- Address doesn’t look a lot like English, but it is—Lt. Col. Birch,
Deputy Commissioner, Sialkot.
- An engraved invitation to a centennial celebration of Washington’s
victory over Cornwallis at Yorktown. It is styled a “reception for the
French and other guests”, presumably not including the British, who took a
very dim view of what happened at Yorktown in 1781.
- Wesson Time-on-Bottom hand cancel. First week of the new 2¢
first-class rate.
- RPO cancel. Backstamp from Delavan, Illinois, Oct 7, 1886, the exact
date my grandmother was born.
- Netherlands Indies revalued card.
- World’s tallest building in 1902. Pretty shrimpy!
- For D2.
- For Anne.
- For me—this is my hometown, when Arizona was still a Territory.
- Where (or what) is PONISHTENO?
- This registered cover certainly went a lot of places on its way to
Montgomery Ward in Chicago.
- One for Iomoon.
- Someone in Malaya wanted to be a he-man. Charles Atlas advertised in
comic books etc. for a mail order body-building program, by means of a
cartoon featuring the famous “98-pound weakling” who was powerless to keep
a bully from kicking sand in his face at the beach.
- The day I was born.
* Philatelic item.
Some of my kind friends from the
chatboard will recognize their contributions to this collection—rolyjr, Bob
in WA, Jim Lawler, krautinjapan, Roger H., Jim Gaul, nomad55, xzephyr,
milenko and others; sincere apologies for all those I have neglected to
I have done my best to only keep
real commercial or personal mail, however I have not found non-philatelic
items for these dates—1972, 1985, 1986, 1996 and 1997. In the last part of
the 20th Century mail was generated in such huge volumes that nobody kept
run-of-the-mill covers, which are the ones I am after. So actually these
recent years have proven extremely hard to find. Actually I did find an
October 5, 1972 item on eBay, but it never made it to me from India, where
the seller was. Somewhere along the line it was pilfered.
Jim |
Posted by jaywild ( 893
on Dec-24-06 at 10:33:45 PST |
So now that I have your interest, who is the winner? I judge it to be
wrd3 a.k.a. Bill Dempwolf for a masterful
job with his post about perfins. It was an amazing compilation and
explanation of a field many collectors pursue avidly. And congrats again on
proving that a catalog number was indeed superfluous, and having it deleted!
Jim |
Posted by
wrd3 (
) on Dec-19-06 at 20:24:36 PST |
P is for perfins. I've been busy at work and am going
through a period of low interest in stamps, but I couldn't let the letter P
go by without a posting about perfins.
Perfins (Perforated Insignia or Perforated Initials)
are holes forming patterns that have been punched into stamps. They
originated in England in 1868 and have been authorized in the United States
since 1908. Perfin patterns punched into postage stamps will identify the
user, and are meant as a security device to prevent stealing (or at least to
enable identification of stolen postage stamps).
The most prolific perfin-producing country is Great Britain with about
22,000 patterns, followed by Germany with 12,000, the United States with
6,400, Austria with 3,000 and France with almost 3,000 patterns. There are a
number of countries, including British Guiana, Haiti and Barbados with only
one pattern recorded.
The Catalog of United States Perfins, editor John Randall, published
by The Perfins Club in 1998 is a must-have for anyone wanting to identify
United States Perfins. The catalog organizes perfin patterns by letter (by
the first letter in the design), or number (for those starting with a
number) or design (where there aren't numbers or letters). Patterns are not
priced in the catalog, but are given scarcity ratings of A+, A, B+, B, C+,
C, D+, D, E and F. The scarcity and a rough guide as to price for US
perfins is:
Perfin Scarcity and Rough (Perhaps outdated) Price Range
Rating |
Quantity/Description |
Minimum |
Average |
A+ |
Used for Schermack patterns |
Don't have general guideline
A |
Rare: estimate 10 copies |
$5.00 |
$15.62 |
B+ |
Scarce: estimate 11-20 copies |
$5.00 |
$9.45 |
B |
21-40 copies |
$4.00 |
$6.75 |
C+ |
41-80 copies |
$0.75 |
$3.14 |
C |
Found often in collections of more than 2400 different patterns |
$0.75 |
$1.85 |
D+ |
Above average |
$0.15 |
$1.04 |
D |
Average: found in collections of 1200-2400 different patterns |
$0.10 |
$0.45 |
E |
Common |
$0.05 |
$0.11 |
F |
Found in practically all collections. Could wallpaper a room and
they wouldn't be missed. |
$0.00 |
$0.06 |
There are many ways to collect perfins - by type (ie, one example of each
pattern in the catalog, regardless of what stamp the pattern is in), by
issue (ie, one example of each pattern in each stamp in which the pattern is
found), synoptic (ie, an example of each different type of stamp with a
perfin pattern in the stamp (in this case the pattern doesn't matter)).
People collect specific issues: Parcel Post stamps, Black Hardings, Air
Mail, etc. Some people collect on cover examples, others stick with just the
In addition to the commercial patterns rated A+ through F, there are also a
number of personal perfin patterns that have been identified in the catalog,
with a rating of P. These are patterns that have been made for personal use,
not for business use.
One interesting item to try to find is a mirror pair, which is an attached
pair of perfins which are mirror images of each other. This is created when
the sheet is folded before inserting into the dies.
Now for show-and-tell:
An example page (well, two facing pages) from the Perfins Catalog is
here. The information on the left page includes the pattern number and
description, the number of holes in each letter/number/symbol of the pattern
and the height of them, the date of issue of the stamp series in which the
patterns have been recorded, and the primary user (if known).
Here is an example of a
personal perfin.
Here is an example of a
mirror pair.
Here is an example of a page from a
synoptic collection.
Here is an example of a page from a
Here is an example of a page from an
issues collection.
I picked up an interesting block on eBay a while ago, shown
here. This block contains a pair of each of two different perfin
patterns: R116 (a B-rated perfin) and R116A (an A-rated perfin). I sent this
block to the current editor of the Perfins Catalog, and he confirmed this
block does indeed have both patterns (I believe the right two stamps have
R116, while the left two stamps have R116A). This block shows these patterns
are NOT different, but in fact are variations from within the same device.
As such, R116A will be de-listed as a separate pattern in the next catalog.
Last, but not least, my two most interesting (to me) foreign perfins: a
French cow and a
German swan.
Hopefully there aren't any significant typos in this post ....
Bill D.
Posted by wrd3 ( 99
) on Dec-31-06 at 07:14:00 PST |
Q entries. For those who are interested, I saved the "Q"
entries so I could review them to declare a winner. They are
here. There were 38 entries. The prize for "most spirit" goes to
jim_lawler, with 13 entries. My sentimental favorite was jimbo,
with two entries from Today in Postal History, a long-running
favorite of mine that ended quite some time ago. We learned about "Q"
volcanos and "Q" perfins, with 3 contentestants posting their perfins
(obviously something I'm partial to).
I look at the "A-Z" postings as "amateur hour", where participants share
a piece of their collection in a somewhat impromptu manner. Despite
that, my selection for winner of the "Q" showings is de66 for his
display Queensland Revenues The Smaller Taxes 1885-1965, an
interesting and informative showing. His prize .... to judge the "R"
entries, which have started.
Bill D. |
Posted by de66 ( 1026
) on Dec-24-06 at 21:56:00 PST |
Posted by de66 ( 1027
) on Jan-07-07 at 12:13:43 PST |
For the below post.
Well done JIM and to all who entered the R
The prize is: Jim to judge S so Jim don't be Silly or Stupid when
It was a shame we never saw any Railway Parcel Stamps put up for show.
D1 |
Posted by
jaywild (
on Jan-02-07 at 10:58:53 PST |
R is for Revenue. Here
are a few items from my collection.
- R53b, the “b” designation
meaning “part perforated”, i.e. the straight edges at top and
bottom. These are usually the rarest (although not in this case),
the other two types being imperforate and perforated all the way
around. This stamps bears what looks like an October 5, 1864 cancel,
a serendipitous bonus.
- R63c, with a
tidy Customhouse CDS.
- R69a. This
stamp was pen canceled, as most early revenue stamps were, on June
30, 1863, when two immense armies were converging on the sleepy
Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg.
- R78a,
unremarkable except for its lovely color, to me at least.
- R85a,
featuring George Washington badly in need of a shave.
- R91a, a
mortgage revenue.
- R101c, one of
my favorites. A beautiful design, in my opinion.
- R144, 2nd issue
revenues, the first of the two-tones, all blue and black.
- R142. The 3rd
Revenue issues, same designs as the 2nd issues, got away from the
blue and black, this example being orange and black.
- R144, in green
and black.
- R146, in claret
and black, a very lovely stamp.
- R149, 3rd issue
again, green and black.
- R131. The $20
through $50 denominations were only issued in blue and black.
US revenues were implemented to tax a myriad of transactions for the
purpose of financing the American Civil War, the Union part anyway, a
tremendously costly undertaking, although this means of gathering
revenue continued long past the war, and some aspects continue to this
day, taxes on cigarettes for instance.Jim
► How to do a
“flip-comparison” test on perforations
► US Stamp Identifiers: |
10c Issue of
1855-57 |
First 3¢ Stamped
Envelopes |
Grilled Stamps
Large “Banknotes”
First Bureau Issues
Abe Lincoln’s “tiny eye”
Washington-Franklin stamps
of 1908-22 |
2nd & 3rd Issue
Revenue Designs |
Colors, Scott 70/78, 24¢
Posted by jaywild ( 907
) on Jan-14-07 at 18:49:36 PST |
taodave… In that case, the S
honors go to sayasan, Richard W, for
his amazing Burma—Myanmar—Shan States material. Next runner up is
bwiphilately, followed by
saphilatelics, then
Knud-Erik. Of course I could go on and
on… J
Posted by sayasan ( 539
) on Jan-11-07 at 11:33:01 PST |
S is for Shan State, or the Shan States plural as they
used to be - a vast plateau about six times the size of Belgium in the
East of Myanmar (Burma), bordering onto China and Thailand. The old
princes of the Shan statelets were allowed their autonomy under British
rule, as per the Indian native states, and under Japanese occupation the
area was ruled directly, and not given the quasi-independence awarded to
the rest of occupied Burma. Since the early 'sixties Shan State has been
a hotbed of political and ethnic insurgency, coupled with widespread
opium production, and is still a troubled land today. Eight years ago
I put together this nine-sheet exhibit for an area federation open class
competition. It samples the more recent philatelic history of Shan
State. The entry got the highest vote, maybe because it was designed for
open class, and not just nine sheets taken out of an existing
traditional exhibit. Here are reduced size jpeg's of each page. All the
philatelic items - cards, covers, stamps - are the real thing, but
everything else is scanned in. I wanted to produce something like a
colour magazine page, rather than a stamp album page. Some bits are
crowded and not that well designed, and I'd do it differently today, but
I still quite like the general look of it.
I'm most proud of the very unprepossessing cover mounted vertically
at the left of sheet 8. I sometimes try sending stamped self-addressed
envelopes to post offices in interesting parts of Myanmar. Usually they
never come back, but this went all the way to and from Pangsan, right on
the border with China, which used to be the headquarters of the
insurgents of the Communist Party of Burma, after their Chinese-backed
invasion in the 'sixties. Most of the Communist troops were from the Wa
peoples, reputed to be the wildest tribals in Burma, and until fairly
recently recreational head-hunters. After the mutinies of 1989, the Wa
communists transmogrified into opium-running militias, and they still
control the area. Pangsan at the time my cover reached it was a lawless
border town run by narco-bandits controlled by the notorious and
paranoid warlord Pao Yuqiang, who was much given to spontaneous public
executions. I don't think it's much better now. The post office did not
even have its own cancels at the time, and the town name is written in
by hand over a borrowed registration handstamp.
Anyway, here is "Civil War in the Land of Opium" ...
Richard W.
Posted by jaywild ( 907
) on Jan-14-07 at 14:56:05 PST |
My choice for S winner is taodave
for his W.T. Sherman letters and his Wm. Seward AYP FDC and associated
proofs and interesting side story. Both figures—Sherman and Seward—were
extremely important in American history.
William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the true brilliant stars of the
American Civil War. He was also entirely indifferent to political
office—it was Sherman who said, when people were clamoring to have
him run for President, “If nominated I will not run, if elected I
will not serve.” Can’t beat that for blunt. It shut everybody up
completely.William Seward engineered the purchase of Alaska in
1867, for approximately 4¢ an acre. It was widely derided as
“Seward’s Folly” and “Seward’s Icebox”, but the acquisition has
since proved its worth many times over.
Seward had contended with Abraham Lincoln for the Republican
nomination in 1860, and of course lost it to him. After his
election, Lincoln invited Seward to be his Secretary of State, a job
he accepted. At first he was contemptuous of Lincoln, as were almost
all the other members of the Cabinet, but he quickly recognized the
President’s abilities and his devotion to honesty and the Union, and
before the first year was out Seward was Lincoln’s greatest
The assassination of Lincoln was part of a plot to kill not only
Lincoln but Vice President Johnson and important members of the
Cabinet as well, Seward among them. While John Wilkes Booth was
shooting Lincoln at Ford’s Theater, his associate Lewis Powell
fought his way into Seward’s home and slashed at him with a Bowie
knife. He was in bed, recovering from a carriage accident, and the
metal brace he wore on his neck saved him from death, stopping
Powell’s knife just short of his jugular vein. While Seward
recovered from his injuries, the news of Lincoln’s death was kept
from him, but he figured out what had happened nevertheless. From
his recovery room he could see all the flags of the capital at half
staff, and he knew that Lincoln would have been the first to visit
him had he been still alive to do so.
Honorable mention should also go to saphilatelics for his Saxony
exhibit, bwiphilately for his St. Vincent forgeries, and
sayasan for his Burma material, including the Shan States and Saya
► How to do a
“flip-comparison” test on perforations
► US Stamp Identifiers: |
10c Issue of
1855-57 |
First 3¢ Stamped
Envelopes |
Grilled Stamps
Large “Banknotes”
First Bureau Issues
Abe Lincoln’s “tiny eye”
Washington-Franklin stamps
of 1908-22 |
2nd & 3rd Issue
Revenue Designs |
Colors, Scott 70/78, 24¢
Posted by taodave ( 135
) on Jan-12-07 at 11:00:48 PST |
S is for "Seal" and "Seward."
Today I want to tell the story (using some of the essays and proofs from
my Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exhibit) of how political pressure turned a
beautiful seal into an ugly politician, resulting in a stamp which has
been branded an aesthetic failure ever since it was issued.
The story begins in the waning months of Theodore Roosevelt’s
administration, when the backers of Seattle’s AYP Exposition, which was
due to open on June 1, 1909, approached Postmaster General Meyer to
issue a set of stamps to publicize their endeavor. This, after all, had
been done earlier in the century for the Buffalo, St. Louis and
Jamestown extravaganzas. Why not for Seattle? Much to their surprise,
Meyer refused, but he did authorize a single 2c stamped envelope.
The Bureau’s designer of stamps, postal stationery and banknotes at that
time was Clair Aubrey Huston. Huston designed for the stamped envelope a
very handsome seal on a block of ice. His design was approved by the
Postmaster General and sent to the Mercantile Corporation, which was the
Post Office Department’s envelope contractor at the time. Alas, in early
1909, the Mercantile Corporation informed the Department that they were
so back-logged that they would be unable to manufacture the envelopes in
time for the opening of the Exposition. (So much for private
enterprise.) The Department then decided that the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing would rush the design and production of a single adhesive
stamp, which we now know as Scott #370.
Huston’s first seal essay was for a stamp the size of the then-current
Washington-Franklin definitives. He made a black and white ink-and-wash
drawing of a classically simple frame, and for the vignette, pasted in a
photo of the seal he had designed for the envelope:
Huston’s second seal essay (confusingly numbered three in Scott and
Brazer) was for a larger stamp, the size of the Jamestown Exposition
commemorative of 1907. He modelled an ink-and wash frame containing a
veritable forest of acanthus leaves, and again pasted in a photo of the
envelope’s seal vignette:
This design was approved by Frank Hitchcock, the Postmaster General in
the new Taft administration, on April 3, 1909. Since less than 2 months
remained before the stamp had to be available at postoffices throughout
the country, engraving of the die began almost immediately after
Hitchcock’s approval.
Then all Hell broke loose. The Exposition’s backers learned, (evidently
for the first time), that the stamp would show a seal on a block of ice.
This was unacceptable to them, since one of the major goals of the Fair
was to attract tourists and settlers to Alaska. They mounted a national
press campaign against the seal design. They implored the Secretary of
the Interior and their congressmen to have the seal replaced by a mining
scene, or perhaps a panorama of the Alaskan Riviera---anything but that
damned seal!
On April 11, they were told by Senator Piles of Washington State that
the space was too small for what they wanted, but that he might prevail
on the Postmaster General to substitute the head of William H. Seward,
the Secretary of State who purchased Alaska from the Russians in 1867.
They accepted Seward, despite his big ears and nose, as the lesser of
two evils.
Since time was running out, the Bureau’s engravers continued to work on
the frame portion of the approved seal stamp while Huston modelled two
Seward designs. His first essay used the frame of the 1908
Washington-Franklin definitive series, on which he inscribed the dates
1870 and 1909 onto the ribbons. (I have been unable to determine the
significance of the year 1870 either in the history of Alaska or in the
life of Seward). He cut out the oval vignette and pasted on the back of
the essay, so that it would show through the resulting hole, a die proof
of the half- ounce snuff stamp of 1891, which happened to contain a
portrait of Seward of just the right size:
For his second Seward essay, Huston photographed the earlier approved
seal stamp essay, cut out the seal vignette, and mounted the frame over
a photoreduction of another Seward portrait that had been used for an
1876 bond. This second design was approved by Postmaster General
Hitchcock on April 24, with the proviso that Seward’s name be inscribed
under his portrait. Hitchcock’s choice was logical in view of the time
restraint, since the frame for this design had already been engraved on
a die:
Incredibly, the essay submitted to Bureau Director Joseph Ralph for
approval of the added Seward name tablet has a seal, not Seward, as the
vignette! I suspect that this was done on purpose to elicit a chuckle
from Director Ralph, who like everyone else at the Bureau, was very
unhappy at having to substitute Seward for their lovely seal. In any
event, he approved it:
On May 6, engravers completed the die and a large die proof was prepared
for offical approval, to which Postmaster General Hitchcock affixed his
The bureau’s siderographers then made transfer rolls from the approved
die and prepared printing plates. The presses began to roll, and within
the next few days the Department began fulfilling orders from thousands
of postmasters throughout the country. On June 1, 1909, opening day of
the Seattle Exposition, the AYP stamp was placed on sale in postoffices
throughout the country.
The public reaction to the new stamp was less than lukewarm. It was
immediately reviled. To quote just two contemporary comments:
“The stamp is lacking entirely in distinction, balance, and beauty”
“Many persons incline to the view that the Seattle Fair monstrosity is
the ugliest thing that has yet been forced on the public.”
Of course, these people had never seen the Poultry stamp of 1948, or for
that matter, many of the recent USPS productions. Perhaps I’m just an
old fogey, but I’ll take anything designed by Huston (even a politician
with big ears and a big nose) over the current Time-Warner and Disney
publicity labels masquerading as U. S. postage stamps.
taodave |
Posted by taodave ( 135
) on Jan-10-07 at 09:10:08 PST |
My "S" contributions today are two covers mailed in 1875 and 1876 by
Genl. William Tecumseh Sherman from St. Louis, Missouri to a lady friend
who was travelling in Europe:
(I'm sure that many of you will be relieved to know that they have
absolutely no connection with German East Africa).
I've collected U. S. War Department stamps and postal stationery for
almost 50 years For non-American collectors--- during 1873-1884, the
eight departments of the U. S. government had to purchase
especially-prepared stamps from the Post Office Department to use on
their mail. The stamps are quite similar in appearance to the regular
issues of that period, but with the name of the department included in
the design.
The envelopes are 3c War Dept. postal stationery to which various
combinations of 6c and 12c War Dept. adhesives have been added to make
up the required postage. Early in 1875 the United States had joined the
General Postal Union, which set the rate for international mail at 5c
per half ounce. Since the two letters bear 21c and 27c in postage, we
can assume that Genl. Sherman did not have exact postage, and overpaid
At the time these covers were sent, Genl. Sherman, after an illustrious
Civil War career pillaging the South, was Commanding General of the
United States Army. Note that their corner cards read "Headquarters,
Army of the United States, Official Business." What was the Headquarters
of the U. S. Army doing in St. Louis? Well, Sherman had constant run-ins
with the civilian Secretaries of War who thought that they, not he, were
running the Army. President Grant's Secretary of War, Mr. Belknap, was a
particular thorn in his side, so Sherman decided in 1874 to move the
Headquarters of the U. S. Army from Washington to his home town, St.
Louis--- and, incredible though it may seem to us today, they let him!
Army Headquarters did not return to Washington until a more malleable
Secretary was appointed in 1876, after Belknap had been convicted for
taking kick-backs from Army suppliers.
But why was Sherman sending fat letters to Mrs. Euphrasie Mackay,
whoever she might be? I havent't found out yet. I've corresponded with
two of his modern biographers, neither of whom recognizesd her name.
Sherman was a notorious womanizer--- as one biographer told me, his main
occupation after the War was sleeping around. I like to think that at
one time these covers were locked in Euphrasie's desk drawer, tied with
a pink ribbon.
taodave |
Posted by taodave ( 135
) on Jan-11-07 at 08:39:27 PST |
S is for "Seward," whose face appears on Scott 370-371, the U. S.
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific commemorative, and also for "Seattle.".
(Yes, another respite from German East Africa, this time an item from my
AYP exhibit. If I have time later this week, I'll post the AYP essays
under "Seal" and "Seward.")
June 1, 1909 was the opening day of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
in Seattle and the first day of issue for the stamp commemorating it.
Here is a piece which covers both bases--- a postcard mailed from the
Exposition Station on opening day, (over)franked with the 2c AYP commem
on its first day of issue. The sender, William Lindsley, mailed several
of these to himself and members of his family as mementos of the
occasion. The wording varies slightly on the cards I have seen, but most
mention President Taft opening the Expo by pressing a gold key in
taodave |
Posted by
infla-alec (
on Jan-25-07 at 12:30:11 PST |
"T" I think the letter T failed for some reason to have a
winner announced. Therefore I have decided to judge the entries myself.
Before anyone jumps in to complain the ABC show was initially my idea
and so I feel I can make the call.
Before announcing anything can I say a big thank you to Bill D for very
kindly saving all the entries on his hard drive. Of course the showings
are only as successful as the amount of effort we all put into showing
relevant items. The T entries for anyone can be viewed under
T Entries As can
be seen there was a vast amount of material shown and my favourite item
simply had to be the Teilbarfrankatur. Darn it, just remembered I
can't announce myself as the winner :-) Seriously though after serious
thought it was very dificult to decide on one winning entry. But I feel
the award should go to Telegraph Revenues of
New South Wales. Congratulations D1 and I hope you will kindly agree
to judge the U entries. I based the award on the simple fact that it was
the first time I had ever seen such material shown and found it to be
very interesting.
I can also announce that the Disabled Vets Association received from me
the following:
Unisafe Clearview Perf Gauges x 6
Unisafe Watermark Trays x 4
Unisafe Pre-fold hinges x 10
Standard 5" Tongs-Pointed Tip x 4
Standard 5" Tongs Spade Tip x 4
No.3 Glassines 100 pk. x 4
Unisafe 2 1/2" Round Reader Magnifier x 4
Unisafe Stockbooks x 6
Heavyweight Quadrille Pages 100 pk. x 4
Jakes's friend Mike managed to obtain everything in Canada with a
massive 40% discount and thanks also go to Mike for paying the Canadian
Tax's and shipping costs. Every little helps and it is worth remembering
that the Vets are disabled stamp collectors who appreciate any help and
donations other philatelists world wide care to make. |
Posted by
de66 (
) on Jan-16-07 at 02:16:26 PST |
T for Telegraph
Here is a page from my new exhibit 'New South Wales Revenues' which will
be going into the Sydney National show in June this year.
D1 |
Posted by infla-alec ( 506
on Jan-30-07 at 12:25:20 PST |
U Seeing as how the T winner has not responded to the request to
judge the U's I would like to step in again and award the U to a very richly
deserved Roly simply for the vast amount of effort put in to sharing
with us all his wonderful study of the NZ Penny Universal stamps. Very
rarely have I ever seen anyone go into such depth on a single stamp issue.
Now remember everyone any multiples found of this stamp you know who will
give them a new home !!!
Rainer Sorry I don't have a moneybookers account. |
Posted by rolyrj ( 2 ) on
Jan-21-07 at 13:09:12 PST |
Here is one I have been waiting for:
U is for the New Zealand Penny Universal
I have been collecting this stamp for several years now and is one of my
specialty areas. Many start out collecting this stamp and soon give up
because of its difficulties in plates, perfs, shades, papers etc. I started
about two weeks ago, in anticipation of U, scanning my collection and
making a website dedicated to the New Zealand Penny Universal. I have about
200 more to scans to go but here is where I am up to so far. All images can
be clicked to either enlarge the image or to take you to another page with
further explanations/info. Hopefully when I have finished (if ever) this
will become a useful reference work for others collecting this interesting
stamp. A definate "work in progress".
So without further ado I present for your viewing pleasure
The NZ Penny
Universal as my contribution to the alphabet soup. :)
Roly |
Posted by rolyrj ( 2 ) on
Feb-04-07 at 18:13:27 PST |
Results for week "V"
First the disclaimer :) I am in no way setting my self up as an expert and
wouldn't have the first clue as to how to judge an exhibit. So my choice for
week "U" is simply based on what I liked and what I really
liked and what I really really liked.
I counted 51 entries this week which is a real good showing. It fascinates
me as to what we all collect and our various areas of "expertise", if I can
use that word.
So.... right out of the blocks at full steam was a most impressive showing
from Antonius-ra with Vietnam (South) followed closely by Venezuela
and a great showing of Venezia aka Venice.
Then I was most impressed by Sayasan's Victory series. (where do you
unearth all this type of material !!)
Then along comes David B. and hits the emotional strings with superb
material from Vavau. But IO is hard in there as well with his lovely
pages on Viti Levu. But Sheryll (S2) also hops onto the emotional
band wagon and presents Vanuatu. Much too much for this boy who loves the
Pacific and has spent many months in each of these glorious locations.
However, moving on I was most impressed with Postalhysteria's
thinking outside the box with Jules Verne, Voice of America, Volleyball etc.
Kind of appealed to my sense of quirkiness :)
Jim L. How many Kokomo Club Cards do you have? :)
billsey Runner up mate..... You have a great series of Upper Volta and
very nicely displayed. I can appreciate the work that goes into presenting
this sort of material in web page form having just done (still doing) my
Penny Universal's pages.
And so the winner for week "U".
So many people went "wow" when this very short posting was made. I am sure
many people appreciated this showing from chipg on Feb 01 -07,
06:19:47 for his magnificent display of his intitials "CG" on
I can appreciate the sheer hard work in collecting these specimens and then
presenting them so well. So congratulations from me....... hope all approve
Roly |
Posted by chipg ( 206
) on Feb-01-07 at 06:19:47 PST |
Hi all.
Been waiting 20 letters to get to the right point to post this link. Here's
my contribution to "V"
It is a slightly different take on the "initial" collection that RF showed a
few letters ago. |
Posted by chipg ( 208
) on Feb-11-07 at 14:03:10 PST |
Judgement Day for the W's
First of all, thanks for posting so many interesting items. Here are some of
the things that struck me as especially interesting during the week (but
please don't read that as the other stuff was uniteresting):
Jaywild posted a page of
W..., Arizona precancels. I noted that each was on a different stamp.
That little extra touch was nice.
Mini*lindy shared the story of
Wilcox the Welldigger. Nice.
Mikedak posted some Whitehead machine cancellations (lost the link).
I've never even heard of Whitehead machine cancellations. Thanks for
expanding my knowledge a bit.
Jim_Lawler showed a
West Lafayettes provisional precancel. Although he didn't say so, I'll
bet that he found it unidentified in some lot or box. If you know what
you're looking for, you can make finds everyday.
So, the choice of "winner came down to two posts which I will describe in no
particular order:
The first finalist, Knuden put up a set of links to
Wrappers with Contents. Circulars
and wrappers are so often considered as tranistory information by the
recipients. To find such items with their original contents is really
something special.
The second finalist, Knuden posted a link to a truly world-class
exhibit of Danish
Wrappers. As mentioned earlier, such items are so ephemeral that it
is quite a feat to assemble anything that could be considered as a
"complete" showing. I still remember seeing one other such exhibit of GB
wrappers. Anyone who collect such an area, and who does it so well, must
lead a blessed life.
So, with out any further deliberation, the winner of the "W" round is
.....Knuden (it was a tie).
Congratulations to all.
So, hopefully we can have a troll-free week and on to X.
Chip |
Posted by
knuden (
on Feb-19-07 at 07:03:30 PST |
I have with interest seen all the X - entries from last week and as
usual it's difficult to choose a winner BUT...........
I just couldn't resist the happy expression, that King George II have on
his face on these stamps - in other words -
dadaaaaa - the honorable winner of the X week is D2 for showing
the nice and rare cover from Tonga. Congratulation David. :O)
a silly little man - whoopee!! |
Posted by
dbenson (
on Feb-25-07 at 10:57:39 PST |
I have considered the various entries for Y and have the honour to
nominate the winner as
Taodave for his entry of Y is for Yedo.
Not only was the items of extreme interest & rarity but the study shown
by his comments prove to me that he is a person who has taken a great
interest in his material and studied them from various aspects,
Yedo was the destination for two letters sent by the U. S. War
Department’s Chief Signal Officer to “Benjamin Smith Lyman, Chief
Geologist and Mining Engineer to the Kaitakushi”. Lyman was a Harvard
graduate who later studied at the Ecole de Mines in Paris and set
himself up as a consulting geologist. Between 1873 and 1879 he was chief
geologist to the Japanese government, working principally for the
Kaitakushi, an agency with the responsibility for the colonization and
development of the natural resources of the northern island of Hokkaido
(Hokkaido was Japan’s version of the American frontier in the 1870's, so
that while we Americans were sending homesteaders into our West and
killing off the Indians, they were populating Hokkaido with ethnic
Japanese and doing a number on the native Ainu.) The first cover is
franked by a pair of 24c War Dept. adhesives, representing 4 times the
treaty rate of 12c per half ounce for mail from the U.S. to Japan.
(Although the General Postal Union rate of 5c per half ounce for
international mail was already in force for many countries, Japan did
not sign the GPU treaty until the following year). Incidentally, only
two other covers or parcel fronts to ANYWHERE franked with 24c War
Department stamps are known. They are all equally or more ratty.The
letter was mailed in Washington on May 9 and reached Yokohama on June
29,1876, where a red “Yokohama Paid All” was applied by the U.S. postal
station . It then took 9 more days to travel less than 25 miles to Mr
Lyman at his lodgings in Yedo. How did it get from the U.S. to Japan?
There were three possible routes: (1) via New York by ship to London,
where it would have travelled on a British ship around the Cape of Good
Hope to the Orient, (2) via the recently-completed transcontinental
railroad to San Francisco, where it would have been put on an American
ship to Yokohama, or (3) via New Orleans by ship to the Isthmus of
Panama, across the Isthmus by land, and then by another ship to
Yokohama. Since the envelope lacks New York and London transit marks, I
favor a Trans-Pacific route.
I had hoped that the Japanese characters on the back would say something
like “Death to All Foreign Devils,” but it’s only the translation of Mr
Lyman’s address for the benefit of the local postman, brushed on by an
Imperial Post official who then applied his seal. The Japanese friend
who translated this for me marvelled at the calligraphy.The second cover
is franked by a War Department 30c and a 6c stamp, triple the 12c per
half ounce rate.(Only four other covers with War Dept. 30c stamps have
survived, all equally ratty). It was mailed in Washington on Valentine’s
Day and reached Yokohama, where a Paid All mark was applied, on March
29, 1876. Although this is an earlier cover than the first one, somehow
it reached Lyman without the need for a translation of his address---
consequently, I find it rather dull compared to its mate.
David B. |
Posted by taodave ( 137
) on Mar-04-07 at 08:37:55 PST |
Not true--- the Z's were very exciting to judge! And
there were so many of them!!
I savoured every one of the entries. Being of a postal history bent, I
was very impressed early on by lavart's Zurück entry, but then knuden
posted a fascinating group of his own Zurücks. I thought knuden really
had the contest sewn up when he later posted a group of wonderful
Sudetenland Zepps. But then, late in the contest, lavart upped a second
group of great Zurücks, this time from the German Colonies, which he
knows are a special weakness of mine (although I was just a tiny bit
disappointed that he didn't include one from DOA).
Lavar, you may not have won your race against Arnold S for Governor of
California, but you HAVE won the eBay chatboard Z contest. I hope you
enjoy judging this week's non-Latin alphabet entries, which I note have
already started to pour in.
taodave |
Posted by lavart ( 1327
) on Mar-02-07 at 20:14:32 PST |
Here are some more "Zuruck" items.
This is an uprated postal card from
Bavaria, mailed from Munich on July 29, 1914 to Luderiztbucht, German SW
Africa. Due to the outbreak of WWI, mail service to German SW Africa was
suspended. Thus, the card was marked "Zuruck" and returned to the
This is a cover mailed from
Munich, Bavaria on Aug. 1, 1914 to Tsingtau. Mail service to Tsingtau
from Germany was also suspended upon the outbreak of the war. Thus, this
item was marked "Zuruck" and returned to the sender.
This is a German postal card sent
from Oehringen on Aug. 4, 1914 to Edea, Kamerun. Mail service from
Germany to Kamerun was also suspended upon the outbreak of the war. This
card was marked "Zuruck" and returned to sender.
This registered cover was mailed
from Bremerhaven, Germany on July 7, 1914, about 3 weeks before WWI
started. It is addressed to Jaluit, Marshall Islands. The cover did not
make it to its destination before the Japanese occupied Jaluit in late
September, 1914. The cover did make its way to the Japanese PO. It was
held somewhere for almost 6 years, was opened by the Japanese PO and
then was sealed with an "officially sealed" label. By the time delivery
to the addressee was attempted (apparently in 1920), the addressee had
left. The cover was marked "inconnu" and "returned to writer", and the
cover was returned to Bremerhaven via New York (transit marking March
27, 1920), arriving back in Bremerhaven on May 6, 1920.
Forgot to show the back of the last cover, which can be seen