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eBay Users' Stamp Club's Auction to Benefit the Veterans of the U.S.

The eBay Users' Stamp Club was founded on the premises of not only helping each other by using eBay services, but to also benefit communities outside the information superhighway. The Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services was chosen as our first recipient during our first meeting with no objections. The eBay Users' Stamp Club is putting together an auction that we will hold on eBay, in the latter part of July, with the proceeds going to benefit the Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services through an organization called The Veterans National Stamp and Coin Club. This organization has been active for 26 years and is organized by a veteran and a retired stamp dealer.

The Veteran’s National Stamp and Coin Club is a non-Profit group of volunteers who use the hobbies of Stamp and Coin collecting as a vehicle to support the medical of VA Medical Centers nationwide in the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled, handicapped, homebound, shut-in, and outpatient veterans. They DO NOT sell or trade stamps and coins, they just forward the materials to those patients who request them at no cost to them. This organization is authorized to acknowledge receipt of collections and/or cash donations for tax purposes with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Stamps and/or collections will be recognized at fair market value and not catalogue value.

Although these Veterans Hospitals/Homes are funded primarily by the U.S. Government, there are many ways in which the proceeds from this auction can help. First, many veterans have been stamp collectors for many years yet do not have the capability of getting to stamp shows or local shops to continue their interest. Secondly, many hospitals/homes have what they call a general funds account. These accounts were set up to accept monetary donations from the community. You are probably asking yourself why they would need more funds if the government is paying for it. Well, sadly the government does not pay for many things. For example, comfort items that a veteran may need. The government does not pay family day activities such as picnics and socials. Remaining close with family and friends is important for these veterans. Activity items such as games, televisions, and small exercise equipment. And finally, most important in their final years, religious needs. That is right. The government does not help with religious needs for these veterans. They pay these kinds of items for out of the general funds account.

There are three ways in which you can help us in reaching our goal. You can participate as a seller, a buyer, or a donor. We explain each in detail below.

SELLER: As a seller, we at the eBay Users' Stamp Club are asking that you pledge that the net proceeds from at least one of your auctions are forwarded to help the recipient. If you would like to place more than one item up for auction that would be more than appreciated. The amount forwarded would be less the charge of listing the item and the final commission charged by eBay. Although this is a stamp club, your item(s) are not limited to just stamps.

All sellers will have their auctions running simultaneously. Each seller will cut and paste an HTML code (to be posted later) so that all auctions have the same appearance with proper links (to an auction listing page, eBay Users' Stamp Club) and same description why the item is at auction and where the proceeds will go.

Once the sellers place their item up for auction, each item MUST have its link forwarded to James (pennystamps) when it is posted. This is imperative so that a list of all auctions can be compiled and placed on the eBay Users' Stamp Club site for ease of locating the items by interested bidders. All auctions will start on a Wednesday night and run for 10 days. This will maximize viewing time and end on a busy Saturday night. You the seller will determine the starting bid on your item. This will be difficult as you attempt to maximize the total without taking a chance on not getting any bids at all. Keep in mind, though, that the HTML description will give information on the benefits of bidding on the item. Therefore, the probabilities of not receiving numerous bids should be relatively low.

Once the auction ends, you as the seller will be responsible for contacting the winning bidder. They will send the winning bid to you, the seller. Once you receive the payment you will forward an amount equal to the final winning bid, less the cost of listing and final commission fees, to James (pennystamps). James will compile all funds into one check to be forwarded to the proper organization. We will post a copy of the certified check for all to view.

BIDDER: The eBay Users' Stamp Club appreciates any help you can give. There should be many interesting items up for auction by various individuals. Each auction page will have a link to an eBay Users' Stamp Club page that will have a consolidated listing of all items up for this event auction.

Once the auction has ended, the speed in which you forward your final winning price is imperative. It would be delightful to have all winning bids paid within one (1) week after the auction so that the funds can be forwarded to James (pennystamps) for consolidation. Remember that these auctions are for a very good cause, so curving your general bidding habits would be recommended.

DONORS: This is primarily of interest to those people who have items that generally do not do well on eBay (stamp supplies, kiloware, old price guides, etc.), but is most appreciated by the Veterans. At the proper time, we will post an address so that you may forward these items directly to the proper individual. You must include a note (to be posted later) with the item so that the recipient will know that you donated it on behalf of the eBay Users' Stamp Club, and any others that you would like to add. We appreciate all items, no matter how many or few. Remember, if your item has any chance of making a decent return on eBay, that route is preferred. There is some additional information for those who will take the role of donor, so you must email James (pennystamps) to find out more.

note: as with many things when you attempt them the first time, there are oversights. Therefore, there will probably be some changes made to these descriptions before the auction begins. We will attempt to notify of the changes, but we recommend that you visit here a few times before the auction begins.

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updated 4/23/02 rjf