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AskPhil -- Comprehensive Stamp Help Site
*** Comprehensive lists of links ***
Joe Luft's Resources on the Web
*** General stamp collecting help ***
Stamps FAQ (G Bultman)
Stamp Trader List (P Guptill)
Illegal stamps - philately’s rough trade
Language Translations for stamp related items (M Begin)
Care and Preservation of Philatelic Materials (APS)
Stamp Hinges (M Crandall)
Reperfing and Regumming (H Gitner)
Free Language Translation
*** Stamp identification ***
Stamps Identification Help (S Adinolfi & C Boks)
Forgery Detection Site (B Claghorn)
Stamp Identifier (S Virtes)
Unidentified Philatelic Objects (R Scott)
Hialeah Forgeries (D Spennemann)
*** Album pages/exhibiting ***
Stamp Album Pages (Steiner)
A Guide to Custom Album Pages (Jim Griffith)
*** eBay related ***
Selling Stamps on eBay (R Frajola)
eBay Stamps Category FAQ -- category listing advice
Guidelines for buying stamps on eBay (Jim Watson)
*** Forgeries and fakes ***
eBay - forgeries, fakes, dodgy sellers, scams (Sheryll Oswald)
SCADS - Stamp Collectors Against Dodgy Sellers
*** Technical support ***
Tips on Scanning (P Aitken)
eBay Common HTML Tags -- Starter Guide
*** Chat boards and message groups ***
eBay Stamps Chat Board
Frajola's Board For Philatelists
The Virtual Stamp Club
Stamp Talk (ccmouse)
Third Reich Discussion Group
Nordic Baltic Stamps Discussion Group
Spanish Philately Discussion Board (spain_1850)
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eBay Users Stamp Club -- Join!
Stamp Show Schedule
Worldwide Stamp Show schedule
FIP (Federation Internationale de Philatelie)
*** African Philately ***
West Africa Study Circle
Liberian Philatelic Society
Philatelic Society for Greater Southern Africa
*** American, Latin/South Philately ***
Sociedad Filatelica de El Salvador
Haiti Philatelic Society
*** American, US/Canadian philately ***
American Philatelic Society
The U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, Inc.
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
American Topical Association
American First Day Cover Society
Confederate Stamp Alliance
State Revenue Society
JPA (Junior Philatelists of America)
BNAPS (British North America Philatelic Society)
The Canadian Forces Philatelic Society
Precancel Stamp Society
US Cancellation Club
United States Stamps Society
*** Asian & Middle Eastern Philately ***
The Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle
ISJP (International Society for Japanese Philately)
China Stamp Society
Japan Philatelic Society
The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society
The Ottoman and Near East Philatelic Society
*** British Commonwealth Philately ***
Great Britain Collectors Club
List of GB Collectors Organizations
Royal Philatelic Society of London
*** European Philately ***
Society for Hungarian Philately
German Philatelic Society (GPS)
Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies
Scandinavian Philatelic Society
Croatian Philatelic Society
Vatican Philatelic Society
Austria Philatelic Society (US)
Third Reich Discussion Group
Nordic Baltic Stamps Discussion Group
*** Pacific Philately ***
Australian Philatelic Federation
Australian Philatelic Society
Philatelic Society of NSW
New Zealand Philatelic Federation
Philatelic Society of Canberra
Pacific Islands Study Circle
Tonga & Tin Can Mail Study Circle
Fellowship of Samoan Specialists
Pitcain Islands Study Group
New Zealand Society of Great Britain
interNational Association for Philatelic Exhibitors
Tuvalu Stamps
*** Worldwide ***
The Revenue Society
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Philatelic Bibliography (eBay Stamp Club)
Italian Philatelic Bibliography
*** Libraries & Map Collections ***
American Philatelic Research Library
Library Map Collection of the World
USA Map Collections: 1544-1999
The British Library, Philatelic Collections
*** Periodicals ***
Linn's Stamp News
Canadian Stamp News
Mekeel's & US Stamp News
Stamps Net
*** Catalogues ***
Stanley Gibbons
Scott Publications
Yvert et Tellier (French)
Stanley Gibbons Online Catalogue
Michel (German)
NVPH (Dutch)
RHM (Brazil)
Facit (Scandinavia)
*** General Topics ***
Stamps by Themes
Chris Gibbins - Birds of the World on Postage Stamps
Paquebot (Ship Mail)
I want a Date But I'm Fussy - Calendar Collections
Precancels (PSS)
Wikipedia - "Philately by country"
Wikipedia - Wikipedia - "Postage Stamps" - With many links
Zeppelin flights (Italian language)
Please select a link of your interest
Modern U.S. Postal History
Stamp and Postmark Primer (Matt Liebson)
U.S. Liberty Series of 1954
Flag over Porch stamps
U.S. 3c 1851/57 Postal History (Roy & Greg Weber)
1¢ Franklin Collection
July 1, 1851, First Day of the 3¢ Washington
The Museum of United States Essays and Proofs
Introduction to Postal History of the Confederate States
1909 US Commemorative Issues (Steve Stratford) US 2nd Bureau Isses: 1902-1909
Private Die Proprietary Stamps (Bob Hohertz)
Stamps of Hawaii
National Postal Museum
Overview of US Revenues (Bob Hohertz)
Overview of US Taxpaids (Bob Hohertz)
Putting Together Colorado Territory (Richard Frajola)
Two-cent US Civil War Era Revenue Stamped Paper (Bob Hohertz)
US stamps - the complete pictorial guide
Jim's Stamp Album (Jim Griffith)
Please select a link of your interest
Antonius Ra World Collection
*** Africa ***
Cape of Good Hope
*** America, Latin/South ***
Cuban Philately - The Pichs Collection
Latin American Philately
The 1868 Issue of Mexican Stamps
*** Asia & Middle East***
Ottoman Empire - Postal History (in French)
Burma & Myanmar philately
Tibet Collection of Rainer Fuchs
Tibet Handbook
*** British Commonwealth ***
The Postage Stamps of GB -- 1901-1940
Penny Black and others
Great Britain Machins
List of GB Colonial Sites
*** Canada & Provinces ***
Nova Scotia Pence Issues
Canadian Postal Museum
*** Europe ***
Sudentenland: 1938 - 1945
Danish, Scandinavian and Nordic Postal History (Toke Nørby)
Luxembourg Philately
Italian Stamps (much in Italian)
Spanish Philately (In Spanish)
the 4 cuartos issues of 1855-64 (In Spanish)
Dutch Philately
Russian Zemstvo
Faroe Islands
The Estonian Philatelist
Ukrainian Electronic Stamp Album
Modern Latvian Philately
The Stamps Of The Old Italian States
Alfonso XIII – The definitive issues (Spain)
*** Pacific ***
Predecimal Stamps of Australia
New Hebrides Virtual Album
An in-depth study of the New Zealand Penny Universal
German Marshall Islands
British Solomon Islands Stamps
New Hebrides Exhibit Pages
Australian Revenue & Railway Stamps
*** Other areas ***
Rainer's Specialty Pages
Antarctic Philately
to add new links.
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eBay Stamps Chat Board
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