These links are mainly dedicated to new collectors who wonder where to begin or to non-collectors who received a stamp collection and don't really know what to do with it.
The Yellow Boxes are full of other great links on Stamp Collecting and Postal History. Feel free to explore them!
If those links can't answer your questions, please come back any time to the eBay Stamp Board and ask as often as you would like. The people ARE friendly there!
Please try to be a patient for answers. A knowledgeable person on your topic is not always there to answer immediately. It may take some time for the answer and you may need to repeat the question.

I Have This Stamp Collection! What do I do with it? Help!!
General information on stamp collections newly acquired and other links on basic information about stamps, their characteristics and their condition.

Stamps and Covers Appraisal
How to appraise stamps and covers, what is most likely valuable.

Selling a Stamp Collection
What you need to know... from ASDA.

Selling Stamps on eBay by Richard Frajola
Useful tips for selling stamps on eBay and getting a maximum.

FAQ from eBay Stamp Board
More specific questions frequently asked on the Stamp Board and related to eBay.

Ideas for New Collectors
Guide for stamp collecting.

FAQ from the American Philatelic Society
Basic information's on stamp collecting.

My Stamp Album
Free Stamp Album for Children to download in PDF format from ASDA.

Does not exist anymore!
Click here to add new links.
This is a community creation by eBay Stamps Chat Board users. Thanks to all who contribute!