Good Morning Io, Ed, D2 et al� I have not listed (or bought for that matter) on eBay for a while now, but am still alive and kicking! I usually drop in from the balcony every few days and thanks to you all who have alerted me to the channigins of which will be useful if and when I start selling again. Please keep up the good work � I will be interested to know if the current �experiment/trial� becomes permanent. Best wishes to the new EUSC officers. I am as active as ever, loading medical aid going to Romania, doing grandparent duties and acting as my better half�s administrative support and using my digital camera for all and sundry. My wife has now discovered that Shipley has no Town Council (apparently it was abolished in Local Government reorganization some years back) and as she is at present Shipley�s answer to Mrs Pankhurst (of suffragette fame), and nearly all the smaller villages and districts round us have their own Rural or Town Council (A Town Council is apparently a Rural Council that has chosen to call itself a Town Council) I anticipate stirrings to create a Town Council for Shipley. All the old defunct woolen mills here are being turned into luxury apartments, the builders giving Bradford Council millions of �� to exempt them from building affordable housing for ordinary folk, and Shipley has seen not a penny of it! I am seriously considering changing my eMail address, as everything she sends goes under my name. I think I may be getting an undeserved reputation! Ah well, back to the balcony and repairing/painting our garage. Colin the patient. PS, I always have the last word in our household �Yes dear�!